Family Law

Attorney Dan Palumbo on Family Law in Georgia

How is Family Law defined? That’s a good question.  Family law involves multiple elements such as:

  • Pre-nuptial agreements divorce
  • Legitimating father’s to have rights
  • Getting parents to pay child support
  • Making sure the amount of child support being paid is correct
  • Enforcing Orders of Court’s from earlier cases
  • Asserting rights of grandparents
  • Deciding who children will live with and how often the non-custodial parent will see the children
  • Protecting people from abuse (not just physical abuse) through Order’s of protection
  • Dividing marital assets and debt such as pensions, bank accounts
  • Retirement accounts and credit cards

Overwhelmed? You don’t have to be. Dan has helped clients with all of these things and many more. Give Palumbo Law a call to discuss your Family Law case.

Dan Palumbo Has Been in Your Shoes

Years ago, before Dan was an attorney or a law student, he was married and found himself getting divorced.  “Just like you, I was looking for a lawyer and I did not understand the process and I was uncertain about my future.  I spoke to many lawyers and was frustrated when they did not speak to me in a way I could understand.”

Family Law encompasses many different areas:

  • Divorce
  • Annulment
  • Domestic violence
  • Guardianship
  • Child custody
  • Visitation rights
  • Child support payments
  • Property division
  • Debt allocation
  • Spousal support/alimony

Family law specifically deals with children in regards to a divorce. Protecting father’s and mother’s rights while focusing on their children’s best interests remains our focus throughout the entire divorce process. Whether your marital dissolution is contested or not, legal help is necessary to prevent future problems. Informal agreements between cooperative spouses can be undone should matters become contentious in the future.  Dan Palumbo will do everything in his power to help you.  He realizes that divorce proceedings can be unpleasant and stressful. Having the representation of family law attorney Dan Palumbo will make a difficult situation more bearable.   He will not back down until you receive everything you deserve.

Below are more pages of information related to Family Law