
Dan Palumbo Can Help You With Your Divorce

While most people know that a high percentage of marriages end of divorce, they  do not expect their marriage will end in divorce. Although divorce is emotionally painful, the process of divorce does not have to be. Let Dan help you with issues you may not even have thought of, such as, how do I get off of the mortgage, or how can I see my child on their birthday, or what happens to that huge credit card bill?  No matter what the question is, we have seen it before and can help. And if we have not seen the issue before we will find the answer. Our goal is to help our clients receive the best result no matter what the situation is. Whether it is through negotiation or litigation we can help get you where you want to be.

Divorce is the dissolution of a legally recognized marriage.  While this is a very common definition, unfortunately it over simplifies all of the ancillary issues that may come along with undoing  “I do”. These issues may include child custody, marital debt, liquid asset distribution, property distribution, real property issues, spousal support and maintenance, alimony and visitation.

Below are more pages of information related to Divorce Law: